Tired of the typical dating world and failed relationships? Do you desire a life-long love affair that feeds your dreams?

Welcome to Conscious Choice™


A 6 week online course that teaches you the exact formula that will empower you to stop wasting your precious time and energy in dating and will help you to cut to the chase and learn how to finally.... DATE for UNION.


Tara brings 22 years of her own ecstatic marriage experience and teaches you the special sauce and exact steps of how she and her husband, Ken dated, courted, got married...and how their Marriage has evolved into a true Mastermind after 24 years of weaving together.


Our Dating for Union course includes 6 weeks of online study & integration, personalized mentorship and 6 months access to replays with our material.

A note from your Marriage Mentor, Tara

After 22 years of ecstatic marriage I couldn't be happier to offer you the gift of our special recipe.

It's so much more than what people imagine!

You'll receive the secrets that will take you from habitually attracting the wrong partners and being in sub par relationships.... to finding your true match with whom you can build the life of your dreams.

Our signature dating course will help you cultivate such a Love affair and life-partnership where being completely and utterly fulfilled and abundantly over-flowing is not only possible, but inevitable.

I intimately know and embody things in life that most people only dream about and I attribute it all to the Mastermind that is my Marriage of 22 years... It's the power of TWO.


And you can have it all in this life too. Join us below.