You're a woman who already has a phenomenal life and yet, you can sense there's even more available to you...

We're delighted to serve you in deepening the kind of spiritual practice that weaves through your marriage, motherhood, work and beyond.

Namaste! I'm Tara

After 20 years of teaching all facets of yoga & meditation, along with a career of training yoga teachers and brick-and-mortar studio ownership, I now help women integrate their spiritual practices into everyday life.

Through "The 4 aims of life"...

-Pleasure through Ecstatic Marriage

-Abundance & Wealth to become a rising tide for your community

-Your purpose and work in the world

-All rooted & woven from spiritual values & practices that assist you in further surrendering to God in all that you live and do.

As a woman who has been living this reality for the last 25 years, it's an honor to serve my community in this way that catalyzes deeper transformation and illuminates the spiritual lessons of everyday life in my clients.

Traditional Tantric Retreat @ Kula Farms: The Maha Mudra

We'll enjoy nightly ritual together and participants will be guided in the practices of Mantra, Mudra, and Meditation as primary, along with Solo and Group Energy Work, Pranayama, Awareness Training and Therapeutic Movement.

For most participants this equates to powerful moments of Awakening, Transformation and BLISS!  If you feel called to attend please read on for more details.

Matriarch Mastery™

You've had a spiritual practice for years, maybe even decades. You're a woman who wants it all... the Ecstatic Marriage, children & purposeful work in the world to share your gifts. You just have to gain the tools needed to weave it all together seamlessly so every aspect of your life is joyful, easeful, orgasmic....enlightened. This is where the rubber meets the road in our spiritual practice....