Sacred Union for Sovereigns

Turn Your Marriage into a Mastermind

There's so much more to true Marriage than simply staying together. Even those with a 'good' marriage have no idea how much farther it can go. There's more available to you through your marriage than you can possibly imagine! And how could you if you haven't experienced it ALL yet? Your wildest dreams can (and should) be cultivated through your marriage.. We know from 24 years of lived experience together and teach how Ecstasy can continue to unfold to create your own Heaven on Earth. You just need to know the secret ingredients and how they weave together. Your marriage can be DEEPER, RICHER... ECSTATIC. Enjoy personalized mentorship for your marriage along with our 9 week online course in Marriage Mastery, Sacred Union for Sovereigns.

Marriage is the container that creates the space to cultivate and feed all other aims of life...

It provides the spaciousness required for deep & dedicated spiritual practice.


It brings two minds and hearts together to materialize resources and generate an overflow of abundance.


This enables us to actualize our purpose and engage in entrepreneurship in an EASEFUL way.


It's the only experience that brings such deep satisfaction, ecstatic Joy and Bliss while feeding ALL these other experiences. Marriage is the fertile ground for it ALL.


"What a magical, elevating dance marriage becomes when I soften, release, allow: my good man absolutely cherishes me, and I see that exemplified ever more deeply when I *receive* his cherishing."

"I'm especially relishing the discussions on polarity in marriage. They've offered reminders and a-ha moments for me about important ways of being in relationship, embracing my femininity, and truly enjoying and benefitting from my husband's masculinity. These ways of fostering union are joyful!!!, and I feel the empowerment that comes from surrender."

"I've found new depths of joy and passion with my husband, and (without having said anything to him about these practices), I see him responding in such beautiful ways."

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Join us in Sacred Union for Sovereigns™ and receive immediate access to our nine-week container, complete with personalized mentorship.  Take your marriage to the next level today!

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